
  • 광고문/연설문/회의
    영어(토익) 2020. 11. 28. 19:55


    Are you tired of spending money on soda?

    Then try the Bubbly Soda Maker!

    -> 광고 상품을 업급, 

    Our patent-pending machine can make soda any time you want,

    and it is very cost-effective. The Bubbly Soda Maker includes a variety

    of bubbly powder flavors and makes soda in seconds. Just add the bubbly

    powder to water and put it into the machine.


    You can find the Bubbly Soda Maker at a grocery store near you.



    Welcome to the 7th BTA Seminar.

    This seminar is for medical professionals. Our guest speakers will talk about
    the most advanced medical technologies. This seminar is also a good place
    to meet new people. Usually, these kinds of conferences provide networking
    opportunities during lunch. But we will do things differently. You can enjoy
    your lunch comfortably at any restaurant in this hotel.

    After lunch, we will give you an opportunity to talk with the other 



    Let’s begin our sales meeting.

    All models of our laptop sold very well during the second quarter. In total, we sold more than 50,000 units. The best seller was the M-5, which we launched last year. Our biggest clients were students, who liked the model a lot and ordered it the most. Our newest model also attracted a lot of customers. We sold about 14,000 units. Because we are planning radio advertisements starting this month, our sales are expected to increase even more in the third quarter.

    '영어(토익)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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